Tag Archives: 12 Lead

12 Lead ECG & Stroke, pt. 3 (Case Studies & Conclusion)

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A 52 yof complains of chest and epigastric pain. Here is her 12 lead ECG: Image credit| Click here for larger image 50 minutes later she developed left-sided hemiplegia, facial asymmetry, deviated gaze, and left-sided neglect. (Which stroke syndrome is this indicative of?) A CT scan revealed a blockage in the R-MCA. The CT scan also indicated that the right insular cortex […]

12 Lead ECG & Stroke, pt. 2 (Culprits in the Brain)

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Recall from part 1 where we discussed how common it was to observe 12 lead ECG changes in stroke patients. Now let’s look at regions deep inside your head thought to be responsible. In each hemisphere of the brain there’s a part of the cerebral cortex which folds over on itself. It’s called theinsular cortex and it […]

12 Lead ECG and Stroke, pt. 1 (Overview)

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15-30% of strokes are cardioembolic and 60-90% of stroke patients present with ECG abnormalities. (Source) So let me ask you some questions. Is it important to obtain a 12 lead ECG during a suspected acute stroke in the prehospital setting? Why? Why not? Does it really matter either way? Before we discuss the answer… Here’s the abnormalities you’re likely to […]